Today , I was wearing my favorite tube top to the mall when a girl walked up and said ," I have that exact same skirt , why are you wearing it as a top ?"
Static Behavior of a New Type of I-Beam with a Rectangular Tube Top Flange
Steel I-Beam Bridge with reinforced concrete deck Experimental Reasearch on Static Behavior of I-Beam with a Rectangular Steel Tube Top Flange
By determining corrosion rate of tube top , boiler operating time , annual maintenance time and other factors , the service life of superheater can be evaluated .
Experimental Reasearch on Static Behavior of I-Beam with a Rectangular Concrete-Filled Tube Top Flange SEPARATING RESEARCH ON STABILITY CONDITION OF H-SECTION AND I-SECTION STEEL BEAMS
Operation Gap Adjustments Research for Tube Blank Top Tray of LD-120 Five-High Tube Cold Rolling Mill
The gap between the tube blank top tray and intermediate bed slider face influences the tube forming quality greatly .
After the germination , the activity of both enzymes were show intensely in the tube and top growth region in particular .
Research in Joint of Tube Pile and Top Beam in Bracing of Deep Foundation Pit Engineering
Slightly open shutoff valve No.1 and allow water to fill the tube to the top then close No.1 shutoff .
The cantilever tube and the top tube are inserted in one end of the isolators and connected together forming a triangle .
Reach through the bottom half of the inner tube and grab the top half .
For instance , for a particular rider , it might suggest a58 cm seat tube with a combined top tube and stem extension of66 cm .
And at the other end of the room a large tube , enthroned on top of a work-bench in the midst of a mass of entangled electric wires .